Is Fall a Good Time to Do Home Renovations?

Knowing when is the right time to begin your home renovations can help save you time and money on your project. It can also save you some aggravation by avoiding rushing a project or running out of time and not getting everything done as you want. Although the nice weather in spring and summer can […]

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Is Fall a Good Time to Do Home Renovations?

Is Fall a Good TIme to Do Home Renovations? - Gorilla Bins

Knowing when is the right time to begin your home renovations can help save you time and money on your project. It can also save you some aggravation by avoiding rushing a project or running out of time and not getting everything done as you want.

Although the nice weather in spring and summer can have you thinking about your remodelling project, that may not be the best time to begin. Rather, the right time to undergo a home renovation project is to get the best deal on materials and reduce the time and effort that goes into the work.

Some of the things you’ll need to consider include:

  • Supply and demand
  • Busy building seasons
  • Weather

Even though waiting isn’t easy, especially when you want to remodel your home, think of how good it will feel to know that with some thoughtful planning and a solid strategy. You were able to complete your home renovation at the right time, with the right supplies, and just how you like it!

Supply, Demand, and Remodelling

The simple rule of supply and demand can have a big impact on your home renovation project. Like in any other industry, the building materials one uses ebbs and flows. To get the best price and materials, you need to buy at the right time.

However, it’s important to remember that when lumber, paint, and other supplies are at their cheapest, it might not be the right time to start your project. However, if you plan it right and well enough in advance, you should be able to buy your supplies at a low price and simply store them until you are ready to start your project.

Busy Building Season is Not the Time

When you see your neighbourhood filled with contractors, that’s a sign it’s the wrong time to start your remodelling project. You don’t want to become just a number to a busy contractor. When business is busiest for builders, your project may get rushed or put to the side. Moreover, you may find that the necessary tools are not available because they have already been rented out. For example, any home renovation project needs to have the right-sized bin to accommodate the waste and junk that you’ll need to get rid of. If you opt to do your project at the busiest time of year, though, you may not get the size bin you need, which can lead to a lot of frustration.

However, that doesn’t mean you need to wait for the off-season. In Canada, winter is never the right time to start home renovations. So, you’ll need to watch and wait for the not-so-busy season. Although spring might be a good fit because things haven’t started rolling in the construction world just yet, it might be better to wait until after things start to wind down for contractors. By hiring them after their peak season, you can be confident that your project will get the care and attention that it deserves.

6 Fall Home Renovation Tips

There are several good reasons to pick fall as the best time to complete your home renovation. If you are not convinced, consider these tips:

  1. Vacation time.

    Summer is one of the most beautiful times of the year in Canada. You don’t want to spend it completing a home renovation project. Rather than spend those hot summer days sweating as you work on your remodelling project, instead, you can take time with your family and friends. Enjoy the weather and do all of the activities that you can’t do when it is winter. Think about the memories you can make if you put off your home renovation work for a couple of months. You won’t regret waiting to get started on your project until the fall when the weather turns a little cooler. Another bonus is that you can have your contractor do the work while the kids are away at school and you’re working. That means you won’t have to put up with the noise and mess all day long.

  2. Deal on materials.

    If you wait until fall to start your home renovation project, you might be able to get a deal on the materials. Consider that summer is one of the busiest times for contractors. It’s when they place a lot of orders for materials. But not all of these materials get used in their projects. So, by waiting until fall for your project, you may be able to get a deal from your contractor on these unused materials.

  3. Celebrate your renovation.

    If you complete your home renovation project in the fall, it will be ready to show off during the holiday season. It’s a perfect time to introduce family and friends to your new space and new look. Think about celebrating your home renovation with a Christmas party or Thanksgiving supper. This may also give you some more ideas about how to enhance your space before the holidays.

  4. Weather-wise.

    Canada can have some extreme temperatures during the summer and winter months. Trying to finish a home renovation project in the summer heat is not an ideal way to spend your time. Alternatively, winter is usually far too cold to be doing any serious remodelling on your home. Depending on what is involved in your project, the spring rains may dampen your ability to get much down in the way of painting, glueing, fastening, and so on. But the autumn weather is not too hot, too cold, or too wet. If you wait until the fall to do your home renovations, you won’t need to worry about the burning heat from the sun, the below-zero temperatures of winter, or being rained out by the spring weather.

  5. Winter ready.

    By completing your home renovations in the cooler fall season, you can be confident that your home will be ready for the cold winter months. Depending on the work you plan to do, you may also want to add some work on your ventilation system or your plumbing. Fall is the best time to prepare these parts of your home for the colder weather to come.

  6. Comfy and cozy.

    When winter arrives, many of us spend more time inside our homes. With your home renovations completed in the fall, you and your loved ones will be able to enjoy your new space right away. It will also give you that extra time you need to start decorating it just how you like.

For more information about securing a junk bin for your home renovation, call Gorilla Bins at 905-230-1300 or contact us here.

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