How to Reduce the Amount of Waste That Goes Into Landfills

Landfill waste is a serious issue, and it is one that will only get worse with time unless something drastic is done. Fortunately, reusing, recycling, and reducing the waste that we produce can help curb the problem. Note, also, that landfill waste has a slow decomposition rate, which means it can take thousands of years […]

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How to Reduce the Amount of Waste That Goes Into Landfills

How to Reduce the Amount of Waste That Goes into Landfills? - Gorilla Bins

Landfill waste is a serious issue, and it is one that will only get worse with time unless something drastic is done. Fortunately, reusing, recycling, and reducing the waste that we produce can help curb the problem.

Note, also, that landfill waste has a slow decomposition rate, which means it can take thousands of years to disappear. Here, we will delve deeper into the issue and propose ways that you can reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills.

Donate Your Old Clothes

Millions of clothing articles end up in landfills every year, so donating your old clothes can reduce the amount of waste dumped into them. Of course, the clothes should be clean, comfortable, and hopefully still fashionable.

If your old clothes meet the criteria mentioned above, why not donate them to a local charitable organization? If you want to get a return on your investment, you can hold a garage sale instead.

Reduce Your Food Waste Rate

Most people will chuck their food into their garbage bin when they are full, unaware that it will end up rotting in landfills soon after that. If we took just a fraction of our uneaten food and donated it, millions of poor people could be fed.

So, consider donating some of your leftovers instead of throwing them out to help reduce the amount of waste.

Meal Plans

North Americans have an issue with abundance, meaning we tend to buy more than what we really need. However, you can help deal with this problem by creating a meal plan. Plan what you intend on eating for the following week and follow it so that you don’t overspend.

You should also try and avoid buying meals or ingredients that use plastic packaging, as plastic bags often end up in landfills.

Eat Healthier

When you buy food items that are good for you, the amount of waste produced will also decrease. This is because healthier items tend to use less packaging. We would also recommend that you use cloth bags if you can when you do your grocery shopping, as they can be reused.

Or, if you don’t have any cloth bags, then why not reuse your old shopping containers or bags instead? You may also want to cut back on your fast food intake, as fast food takeout often includes several boxes, cups, napkins, straws, and plastic utensils.

Buy in Bulk

When you buy in bulk, you will not only save money but also reduce the amount of packaging needed to keep the items. For example, you can buy a lot of food and then store it in your trusty freezer. Just remember to check expiry dates and to finish your food before it goes bad.

Many people shop online anyway, which also helps reduce your carbon footprint, so why not take advantage of daily deals or exclusive online promotions when buying groceries?

We would also recommend that you take your containers when you go grocery shopping, as you won’t need to bring any extra packaging back home. As for the food in your freezer, try not to make another grocery run until your fridge is empty.

Shop Locally

When you shop locally, you’re contributing to your local economy and helping local businesses grow. However, there is also an environmental benefit, as local stores and markets use less plastic to wrap their produce.

You will also help foster a sense of community by shopping at your local farmer’s market instead of a supermarket while enjoying zero-waste options.

Stop Drinking from Plastic Water Bottles

Many people are afraid to drink from their taps or feel that bottled water is a more convenient solution to stay hydrated. However, water bottles are among the worst contributors to global pollution, as millions of them end up in landfills.

Instead, drink from a glass and only drink filtered or tap water. You can also use a reusable glass bottle to get your daily water fix, which will drastically reduce the number of bottles that end up at the bottom of the ocean.

Just Buy Less

We live in a consumer culture that encourages people to spend and consume to showcase their wealth. However, if you are serious about reducing landfill waste, you need to change the way you think.

Instead of buying what you want, take the minimalist approach and only buy what you need. This way of thinking will reduce landfill waste and also save you thousands of dollars each year.

Consider Being a Vegan

A vegan’s carbon footprint is much lower than that of a meat-eater or even a vegetarian. This is because animal agriculture requires energy, food, water, and land to sustain it.

So, you can help reduce the amount of deforestation, overfishing, wildlife destruction, and freshwater source depletion by being a vegan.


Last, but certainly not least, you can reduce the amount of landfill waste by simply recycling as much as you can. Throwing away aluminum cans and old glass bottles is convenient, but it is not environmentally sustainable.

Instead, recycle those bottles and cans, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. You probably have a local recycling station in the area, so try and make several trips to the recycling facility instead of your local landfill.

You should also keep a handy recycling bin at home so that you can conveniently recycle your old metal and plastic cups and your paper and soda cans.

The Gorilla Bins Difference

If you would like to learn more ways to reduce landfill waste or simply require the services of a junk removal company, then please visit Gorilla Bins at our website. You can also give us a call at 905-230-1300 for more information.

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