How To Immigrate To Canada Via Investing In a Franchise

In a diverse, world-leading economy like Canada, being an entrepreneur can be quite rewarding. That’s why it’s no surprise that the country attracts investments from around the world, providing business owners with countless opportunities to succeed across a range of industries. It’s also no surprise that Canada has one of the most diverse populations and […]

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How To Immigrate To Canada Via Investing In a Franchise

How To Immigrate To Canada Via Investing In A Franchise - Gorilla Bins

In a diverse, world-leading economy like Canada, being an entrepreneur can be quite rewarding. That’s why it’s no surprise that the country attracts investments from around the world, providing business owners with countless opportunities to succeed across a range of industries. It’s also no surprise that Canada has one of the most diverse populations and number of immigrants. Simply, everyone wants to be in Canada.

But, did you know that there’s a way to be both—a business owner and an immigrant in Canada? Each province has its own Provincial Nominee Program, with various streams for those who want to live and work here. These include skilled workers, international students, and entrepreneurs.

Do you want to live, do business, and succeed in Canada? Let’s go over the Provincial Nominee Program and the investor stream for entrepreneurs and franchise owners.

Quick Overview of the Provincial Nominee Program

Aside from federal immigration programs, Canadian provinces and territories have the ability to select specific types of immigrants. The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) allows each province to invite immigrants based on their skills and potential contributions to the workforce and the economy. As a supplement to federal immigration, the PNP helps meet Canada’s need for urgent immigtarion based on each province or territory’s needs.

How to Immigrate as a Business Owner through the PNP

While the PNP is generally renowned for attracting skilled workers to fulfill provincial workforce and industry needs, there are other ways to qualify for the program.

The investor stream is one of the most promising ways to immigrate to Canada through the PNP. It’s one of the most crucial ways to bolster the country’s economy, thanks to its ability to foster innovation and create jobs. By inviting entrepreneurs, provinces can welcome the best and brightest to their industries and ensure their growth.

Eligibility for the PNP Investor Stream

The PNP investor stream is one of the most viable immigration pathways for entrepreneurs who want to enjoy all the benefits of living in Canada, from the quality of life to economic growth. This means, it also takes the most prepared and innovative entrepreneurs with a solid business plan—such as a profitable franchise location—to succeed.

Here’s how to qualify for the PNP investor stream:

  • Have a solid, viable business plan. For example, planning to open a reputable franchise shows a high potential to be profitable
  • Declare your net worth and available capital to put into a province or territory’s economy
  • Have a net worth of $250,000 CAD on average
  • Have relevant work experience in running a business or franchise, particularly in the same industry 
  • Hold at least 33.33% of shares in the business or franchise
  • Invest at least $125,000 to as much as $3,000,000 in the province through the business
  • Conduct exploratory visits to learn about a province’s economy and see how your business would fit.

How to Apply for the PNP Investor Stream as a Franchise Owner

Once you know you’re eligible for the PNP investor stream, it’s time to start your application. Whether you want to start an independent brand or open a franchise, there are two application pathways for the PNP:

1. Apply directly to be a Provincial Nominee 

You can apply for the PNP investor stream directly to your desired province or territory. The provincial government will review your application based on their own selection criteria and assign you points in their scoring system. If you score well enough, the province will officially nominate you as a business immigrant, providing you with a pathway to Permanent Residency.

2. Express Entry System

Not sure which province is best for you, or do you want to maximize your chances of being selected? You can apply for Express Entry to be considered by all provinces and territories. If your business or franchise meets a province’s economic needs, they will invite you to apply to their PNP investor stream.

Before You Apply: Will Your Business or Franchise be Profitable?

Before applying to any PNP stream, it’s important to think about what your business will bring to a province. For instance, bringing one of the best, most profitable franchises may not only cater to growing consumer demand, but provide stable, meaningful employment that contributes to prosperity in the region. When choosing a province to apply to, make sure they need businesses like yours to grow their economy to secure a nomination.

PNP Investor Streams by Province

All Canadian provinces and territories have their own Provincial Nominee Programs and invite entrepreneurs to open businesses and franchises based on their specific economic and workforce needs. Let’s explore the PNPs by the province to find the right fit for you:

1. British Columbia

Home to Metro Vancouver, BC, is one of Canada’s immigration hotspots. With a highly diverse population and industries, it’s no surprise that many entrepreneurs compete for provincial nominations here.

BC has a PNP entrepreneur stream that provides Permanent Residency pathways to individuals who can establish a new business or buy into and improve existing ones, like a profitable franchise. Through business investment, nominees must be able to create at least one new full-time job for a citizen or PR.

2. Alberta

Of Alberta’s 8 PNP streams, 4 are dedicated to entrepreneurs. These include the farm stream, graduate entrepreneur stream, foreign graduate entrepreneur stream, and the rural entrepreneur stream. With vast farmlands and a growing economy, Alberta aims to invite budding business owners to attract investments across the province.

3. Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan’s PNP system caters to international students, skilled and qualified workers, agricultural entrepreneurs and related fields. The entrepreneur stream offers a number of sub-streams to target specific business owners, such as young investors.

4. Manitoba

Manitoba’s business investor PNP stream attracts entrepreneurs, farmers, and international students. The business investor stream nominates entrepreneurs with the ability to cater to the economic needs of a particular local economy through a solid business idea like an established franchise.

5. Ontario

The most populated province of Canada is home to many immigrants, particularly in the Greater Toronto Area. To maintain a thriving economy, Ontario is constantly looking at ways to foster innovation and strengthen its industries, particularly through the PNP.

Ontario’s PNP has an entrepreneur stream that requires nominees to undergo an economic assessment. Nominees aiming to start a business in the GTA must have at least $400,000 to $800,000. Due to a highly competitive market, opening an established and profitable franchise is a solid business idea that guarantees success.

6. Quebec

Another immigrant hotspot, Quebec’s thriving economy is attractive to smart investors from a wide range of industries. Quebec’s PNP program caters to various types of businesses, including new businesses and start-ups, and owner-funded and operated businesses. With its French-Canadian heritage, points are also awarded based on proficiency in French and English.

7. Atlantic Canada

The four provinces in Atlantic Canada each have their own Provincial Nominee Programs designed to attract investments in this thriving, scenic region. 

New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nova Scotia invite both foreign entrepreneurs and international students who graduated from universities in the respective provinces. 

Similarly, Prince Edward Island’s Business Impact PNP stream uses a points-based Expression of Interest System to identify entrepreneurs who can be economically established through solid business ventures, such as profitable franchises.

8. Northern Canada

With the exception of Nunavut, the Northwest Territories and Yukon both have business streams in their Provincial Nominee Programs to foster economic growth up north. The business stream of the Northwest Territories requires applicants to demonstrate their ability to start a business or or buy into a profitable franchise, with an investment value of $150,000 to $300,000. 

Similarly, Yukon’s business nominee stream invites entrepreneurs who have the necessary capital to start a business or buy into an existing franchise in the province. Businesses must belong to an eligible industry, such as manufacturing, tourism, energy, mining, agriculture, culture, IT, value-added processing, and other related fields.

Immigrate to Canada as a Provincial Nominee with a Profitable Franchise

Are you an entrepreneur looking to migrate to Canada? Each Provincial Nominee Program invites entrepreneurs to come live in Canada and set up a successful business. For someone like you with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, all you need to do is demonstrate your ability to help a province’s economy grow through a solid business investment.

At Gorilla Bins, that’s exactly what we provide. We offer one of the most profitable franchises for sale, providing you with a business that’s set up for success and essential anywhere in Canada. With a Gorilla Bins franchise, you can leverage the potential of a highly successful business in your application and increase your chances of becoming a provincial nominee.

Want to learn more about investing in a Gorilla Bins franchise to immigrate as a provincial nominee? Get in touch with us to learn more about how we set you up with a successful immigration pathway and business.

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