Do Pneumatic Waste Systems Herald The Future Of Waste Collection?

Waste management operations across the globe are streamlining their processes to become greener and cleaner-running. This move has been precipitated by new legislation seeking to minimize amount of toxic chemicals within the air. Now, a new method of waste removal is being proposed, and it’s a system designed to take the entire process underground. In […]

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Do Pneumatic Waste Systems Herald The Future Of Waste Collection?

Pneumatic Waste Systems - Gorilla Bins

Waste management operations across the globe are streamlining their processes to become greener and cleaner-running. This move has been precipitated by new legislation seeking to minimize amount of toxic chemicals within the air.

Now, a new method of waste removal is being proposed, and it’s a system designed to take the entire process underground. In this article, we’re looking at pneumatic waste systems and the future of waste collection and removal.

Pneumatic Waste Systems are a Global Trend

The use of pneumatic systems as a process for waste removal is quickly gaining popularity around the world as communities experience the many benefits the system provides over other removal processes.

In communities across Asia and in South Korea specifically, pneumatic waste removal technology is being widely implemented. But could the process work within the North American environment?

The Pneumatic Waste Removal Process

The waste removal process within pneumatic systems is relatively simple. Users deposit their refuse into waste inlets that can be located anywhere within their property, indoor or outdoor. There is a one inlet for each distinct type of waste (paper waste, organic waste and mixed waste), and the refuse is stored within the waste inlets until the next emptying cycle begins.

Once the cycle is started, the waste is transported along pipelines into containers at the waste station. When the containers at the waste station are full, they are then sent away through an underground system for further processing.

The Lasting Benefits of a Pneumatic Waste System

One of the leading reasons so many countries are now beginning to implement pneumatic waste technology is that it offers multiple benefits within their growing communities.

Examples of the many benefits these systems have within the community include:

  • No trucks are required for waste removal from homes
  • Because no large vehicles are required to remove waste from residential and commercial properties, fewer vehicle emissions are released into the atmosphere. There is also less traffic and fewer collisions in the area.

  • No unsightly waste outside homes
  • The use of pneumatic systems means that all waste travels undergoing, away from the open residential community. This ensures a cleaner-looking neighbourhood where raccoons and other wildlife are not attracted by refuse.

It’s a potential solution to future refuse-collection challenges across Canada. To learn more on the future of waste collection across the country, contact our expert team directly today.

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