The Top 6 Ways to Avoid Overcharge Fees When Renting a Dumpster Bin

Junk bins are great for when you’re doing a major rehaul. Whether you’re looking to organize your home, remove construction debris, plan a remodel, or get rid of old items taking up space, a junk removal bin is helpful in most situations. Not only are dumpster bins a cost effective and efficient idea, they’re great […]

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The Top 6 Ways to Avoid Overcharge Fees When Renting a Dumpster Bin

6 Ways to Avoid Overcharge Fees when Renting a Dumpster - Gorilla Bins

Junk bins are great for when you’re doing a major rehaul. Whether you’re looking to organize your home, remove construction debris, plan a remodel, or get rid of old items taking up space, a junk removal bin is helpful in most situations. Not only are dumpster bins a cost effective and efficient idea, they’re great for the environment too, as all materials thrown away get recycled.

If you’ve decided to rent a dumpster bin, great choice! After going through all your junk, categorizing it, and sorting it into different piles, it is probably time to make some decisions on which size and shape of bin is right for you. Be prepared to do your research before you make an appointment. If you book a bin that is incorrect for your needs, you could face some heavy overcharge fees or end up paying extra for space you’re not using.

Arm yourself with information to prevent this situation from occurring. You don’t want extra bills to rack up on your already costly renovation project or moving fees. These fees are totally avoidable if the proper care is taken before even calling a dumpster rental company for a quote. Here are the top 6 ways to avoid overcharge fees with your dumpster bin rental:

1. Understand rental policies

Before booking an appointment, make sure you’ve gone through the rental companies’ policies. There may be extra fees, which come from overloading a bin past its weight capacity. Here are some things to watch out for when going through the fine print:

  • Dumpster rental fee, and the different costs for various sizes
  • Weight allowances for the different sizes
  • Overcharge fees (specifically, the cost per ton for exceeding the dumpster’s weight allowance)
  • The type of debris allowed in the dumpster to make sure you’re not throwing away something the company will not dispose of (for example, harmful chemicals)

2. Get the best bin for your needs

Dumpster bins come in many different sizes and are rented out in yardage. Go through your junk before booking in an appointment; this way, you’ll know how much you need to throw away first. Make sure not to count stuff the company won’t dispose of. Get a rough estimate of how much everything will weigh, and order a slightly larger bin accordingly. In our experience, most people require more yardage than they think! This will help you avoid extra fees that come along with an over-capacity bin. In addition, it’ll save you the effort of having to rent a second bin. Larger bins are also easier to manage, as you don’t have to compress and stuff things messily for them to fit. Thus, choosing the right container size depends on your planning and organization beforehand.

3. Avoid filling the container with extra junk

Although it’s great that you want to get rid of your junk and have it recycled, remember that your bin should never be loaded beyond capacity. Utilise it for what it was originally intended; for example, don’t mix household waste with demolition project waste. Most companies do not allow mixing construction debris with household wastes, and this overloads your bin. If you have many types of waste, consider renting a second dumpster to avoid overcharge fees.

4. Donate and recycle

If you plan a little upfront, it’s easy to avoid paying extra fees on your dumpster rental bin. Reusable items can be donated or recycled, rather than landfilled. By donating furniture, reusable materials, houseware, and clothing, you’re saving significant space in your bin by getting rid of bulk amounts of waste. Drop such items off at the Salvation Army or other charitable organizations. If the items are in good condition, you could even make a little extra cash by selling them on Kijiji or Craigslist. Talk to a professional dumpster rental company on what to throw, save, or donate, as they will be able to provide useful tips on saving money.

5. Plan your rental

Opt for shorter dumpster rentals. The longer you procrastinate filling up your bin, the longer it stays on your property, which means the more time you have to overfill it. Instead, rent a bin for a short time; we suggest two weeks, as this prevents the likelihood of it getting too full.

Another tip is to make sure you plan your pick-up and drop-off times. Know where you left your dumpster bin and what is in it to avoid overcharge fees. Also, make sure there is nothing obstructing your bin from being picked up (such as trees or cars) because if a delivery or pick up can’t be made, you could be charged a failed delivery fee.

6. Keep your dumpster rain-free

Make sure to protect your dumpster from the weather. If snow and rain seep into the dumpster, the bin will weigh more and cost you on pick-up day. Debris weighs more when wet, especially construction and other waste that soak in water. Place your dumpster in a covered area on your property, or cover it with a tarp or other kind of shelter to protect it. Some dumpster rental companies will have protection items to keep your bin clean, so check with them to see if they can help you out.

There you have it: 6 ways to avoid overcharge fees on your bins. At Gorilla Bins, we recognise that it is easy to rack up your bill with overcharges and extra fees, which is why we offer free, no-obligation consultations. Check in with us, especially if it’s your first time renting, and follow these tips for a hassle-free junk disposal! To book an appointment, call Gorilla Bins today at 877-700-2467 or contact us here.

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